12th Conference of Regional Central Banks Operations Managers

"Waves of change: Shaping the future of central bank operations"


  1. To provide a forum to share experiences, explore best practices and consider methods through which productivity and efficiency can be enhanced
  2. Fostering interaction among participants through discussions and presentations that are beneficial to the group.


The12th Conference of Regional Central Banks Operations Managers will be held at the Bank of Jamaica, Nethersole Place, Kingston, Jamaica. We recommend that participants make travel arrangements to arrive at the Norman Manley International Airport in Kingston.


Participants must register by completing the attached registration form and submitting same to the Bank of Jamaica no later than March 31, 2017.
Click Me To Register !


The Courtleigh Hotel and Suites have blocked a number of rooms to accommodate delegates of the 12th Conference of Regional Central Banks Operations Managers. The room rates, exclusive of taxes are US$159.60 for single and US$172.25 for double occupancy which covers sunrise buffet breakfast and internet access.

Hotel reservations should be made by completing the attached form and submitting it via electronic mail to sales@courtleigh.com
Click Me To Register !

For more conference details:
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