• Visa Requirements
    A listing of the Government of Jamaica: Entry Visa Requirements and Fees is available on this site. Please click the link Visa Requirements. If you need further assistance in relation to obtaining a visa, please contact the 12th Conference of Regional Central Banks Operations Managers Secretariat at the Bank of Jamaica at the address given under contact information on this website.

    For a list of the foreign embassies and consular missions located in Jamaica, please visit the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade at
    Embassy Listings

    For information on health requirements please click the link Health Info

    There is a clinic at the Bank of Jamaica with trained personnel on duty. The service of doctors on call is also available to the Bank and in the event of a medical emergency, there is also access to ambulance services.

    The Courtleigh Hotel is also located in close proximity to three hospitals namely the Andrews Memorial Hospital, Medical Associates, and University Hospital. For information on hospitals in Kingston please click on the link Emergency Healthcare.

    The language of the 12th Regional Conference is English.

    The local currency is the Jamaica dollar. Major foreign currencies such as the United States Dollar, Canadian Dollar, and Great Britain Pounds may be exchanged at the hotel, a bank or Cambio. The Bank of Jamaica also offers this service at its counters. Participants wishing to access the service should contact the Secretariat for assistance. For a list of the currencies exchanged, please visit the website of the Bank of Jamaica at: Foreign Exchange

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